The World’s Funniest Spreadsheet Movies

Posted by Lior Weinstein on Monday, Oct 16th, 2006
Category : Uncategorized

For those of you who think that spreadsheets are boring and that spreadsheet professionals are sad people who cry themselves to sleep, I give you the world’s funniest spreadsheet movies.

1. Watch out, heroin addicts, here comes the spreadsheet . . .

2. We took a poll on which of the characters in this movie people sympathize with (see the surprising results after the movie) . . .

Although this is obviously a Mac vs. Microsoft commercial, most of the men who watched the commercial sympathized with the Microsoft dude. The really surprising result came from the ladies. They liked the Mac guy.

3. This woman found a strange outlet for her obsessive-compulsive disorder . . .

4. I (and the rest of the guys in the office) thought the Apple dude was really annoying in this commercial . . .

Apparently, so did the guys who wrote this comic.

Now, don’t you wish you were a spreadsheet dude?

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